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Wind Toolkit Data Downloads

Freely available downloads of Wind Integration National Dataset Toolkit.

The Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit is an update and expansion of the Eastern Integration Data Set and Western Wind Integration Data Set. It supports the next generation of wind integration studies. The WIND Toolkit includes meteorological conditions and turbine power for more than 126,000 sites in the continental United States for the years 2007—2013. Read more at

Alaska V1.0.0 (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-alaska-v1-0-0-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2018 to 2020.

BC-HRRR CONUS 60-minute (NOAA + NREL) (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-bchrrr-v1-0-0-download)

NREL processed NOAA's HRRR data to overcome limitations for wind energy use, such as missing timesteps, low resolution, and bias versus the WIND Toolkit. The resulting BC-HRRR dataset (2015-2023) ensures consistency through bias correction, enabling seamless use in grid integration studies alongside the WIND Toolkit and future scalability.

Bangladesh (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-bangladesh-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2014 to 2017.

Canada 5Min (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-canada-5min-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2007 to 2014.

Central Asia (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/central-asia-wind-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, and direction values at 80m, 100m, and 120m above the surface and air pressure at the surface, 100m, and 200m above the surface for the year 2015 produced using WRF v3.7. The model time resolution used was 15 minutes with a nominal spatial resolution of 3 km2 over Kazakhstan and 9 km2 over the surrounding region. For the U and V components used to derive the wind speed, a total of 41 pressure levels were used.

Data Download Guide

Tips and tricks for getting the most out of the API

India (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/india-wind-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. The India Wind Dataset, developed in part through the India Renewable Integration Study, contains simulated windspeed, direction, temperate and pressure values at 40m, 80m, 100m and 120m heights above the ground where available. The spatial resolution of the data is 3 km and the temporal resolution is 5 minutes.

Indonesia Wind Data (Bias Corrected) (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-indonesia-v1-0-0-download)

The Indonesia wind resource data set is a bias corrected subset of NREL's Southeast Asia Wind Data. The data provide a serially complete collection of gridded timeseries variables for modeling wind power production. The data set includes wind speed and direction, and temperature at 10m, 40m, 80m, 100m, 120m, 160m, and 200m above the surface and air pressure at the surface, 100m, and 200m above the surface for the years 2007 to 2021. The gridded spatial resolution is 2km and temporal resolution is 15-minute.

Kazakhstan (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-kazakhstan-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the year 2015.

Maine (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-maine-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2000 to 2020.

Mexico 5Min (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-mexico-5min-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2007 to 2014.

Now23 California V1.0.0 5Min (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-now23-california-v1-0-0-5min-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2000 to 2022.

Offshore California (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/offshore-ca-download)

The Offshore California Dataset is a 21-year wind resource dataset for offshore California. Produced in 2020, this data set replaces NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit for offshore California, which was produced and released publicly in 2013 and is currently the principal data set used by stakeholders for wind resource assessment in the continental United States. Both the WIND Toolkit and this new data set are created using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical weather prediction model (NWP).

Offshore Great Lakes (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/offshore-great-lakes-download)

The Offshore Great Lakes Dataset is a 21-year wind resource dataset for the Great Lakes. Produced in 2021, this data set replaces NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit for the Great Lakes, which was produced and released publicly in 2013 and is currently the principal data set used by stakeholders for wind resource assessment in the continental United States. Both the WIND Toolkit and this new data set are created using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical weather prediction model (NWP).

Offshore Gulf of Mexico (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/offshore-gulf-of-mexico-download)

The Offshore Gulf of Mexico Dataset is a 21-year wind resource dataset for the Gulf of Mexico. Produced in 2022, this data set replaces NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit for the Gulf of Mexico, which was produced and released publicly in 2013 and is currently the principal data set used by stakeholders for wind resource assessment in the continental United States. Both the WIND Toolkit and this new data set are created using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical weather prediction model (NWP).

Offshore Hawaii (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/offshore-hawaii-download)

The Offshore Hawaii Dataset is a 21-year wind resource dataset for offshore Hawaii. Produced in 2020, this data set replaces NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit for offshore Hawaii, which was produced and released publicly in 2013 and is currently the principal data set used by stakeholders for wind resource assessment in the continental United States. Both the WIND Toolkit and this new data set are created using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical weather prediction model (NWP).

Offshore Mid Atlantic (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/offshore-mid-atlantic-download)

The Offshore Mid Atlantic Dataset is a 21-year wind resource dataset for the mid Atlantic. Produced in 2020, this data set replaces NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit for the mid Atlantic, which was produced and released publicly in 2013 and is currently the principal data set used by stakeholders for wind resource assessment in the continental United States. Both the WIND Toolkit and this new data set are created using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical weather prediction model (NWP).

Offshore NW Pacific (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/offshore-nw-pacific-download)

The Offshore NW Pacific Dataset is a 21-year wind resource dataset for offshore NW Pacific. Produced in 2020, this data set replaces NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit for offshore NW Pacific, which was produced and released publicly in 2013 and is currently the principal data set used by stakeholders for wind resource assessment in the continental United States. Both the WIND Toolkit and this new data set are created using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical weather prediction model (NWP).

Offshore North Atlantic (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/offshore-north-atlantic-download)

The Offshore North Atlantic Dataset is a 21-year wind resource dataset for the North Atlantic. Produced in 2022, this data set replaces NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit for the North Atlantic, which was produced and released publicly in 2013 and is currently the principal data set used by stakeholders for wind resource assessment in the continental United States. Both the WIND Toolkit and this new data set are created using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical weather prediction model (NWP).

PR100 5Min Wind (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-pr100-5min-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2001 to 2020.

Philippines (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/philippines-wtk-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, and direction values at 80m, 100m, and 120m above the surface and air pressure at the surface, 100m, and 200m above the surface for the year 2015 produced using WRF v3.7. The model time resolution used was 15 minutes with a nominal spatial resolution of 3 km2 over Kazakhstan and 9 km2 over the surrounding region. For the U and V components used to derive the wind speed, a total of 41 pressure levels were used.

Site Count (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/site-count)

Determine the number of sites containing data for a given point, polygon, or multipoint as specified by a WKT. This is useful for calculating download request size. Details at the download guide.

South Atlantic Yearly 5Min V1.0.0 (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-south-atlantic-yearly-5min-v1-0-0-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2000 to 2020.

Southeast Asia (Original) (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/seasia-wtk-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, and direction values at 10m, 40m, 80m, 100m, 120m, 160m, and 200m above the surface and air pressure at the surface, 100m, and 200m above the surface for the years 2017 to 2021. The model time resolution used was 15 minutes.

Southeast Asia Wind Data (Bias Corrected, Recommended) (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-seasiawind-v3-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, and direction values at 10m, 40m, 80m, 100m, 120m, 160m, and 200m above the surface and air pressure at the surface, 100m, and 200m above the surface for the years 2007 to 2021. The model time resolution used was 15 minutes.

Sup3rWind Ukraine (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/sup3rwind-ukraine-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from gridded data over Ukraine, Moldova, and Eastern Romania. This data was created with the The Super Resolution for Renewable Resource Data (sup3r) software, which uses generative adversarial networks to create synthetic high-resolution data from coarse low-resolution inputs. This data includes wind-speed and direction at 2-km 5-minute resolution along with pressure, temperature and relative humidity at 2-km hourly resolution, for the years 2000 through 2023. Usage examples can be found here.

Vietnam (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/vietnam-wtk-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, and direction values at 80m, 100m, and 120m above the surface and air pressure at the surface, 100m, and 200m above the surface for the year 2015 produced using WRF v3.7. The model time resolution used was 15 minutes with a nominal spatial resolution of 3 km2 over Kazakhstan and 9 km2 over the surrounding region. For the U and V components used to derive the wind speed, a total of 41 pressure levels were used.

WTK LED Climate V1.0.0 (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-led-climate-v1-0-0-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations.

WTK-LED Alaska (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-led-alaska-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2018 to 2020.

WTK-LED CONUS (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-led-conus-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2019 and 2020.

WTK-LED CONUS V1 (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-conus-5min-v1-0-0-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. This data represents wind-speed, temperature, direction, and air pressure values at multiple heights above the surface for the years 2018-2020.

Wind Toolkit Data - SAM format (srw) (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-srw-download)

Collect and download in SAM (System Advisor Model) format a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. The Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit is an update and expansion of the Eastern and Western Wind Datasets, and is intended to support the next generation of integration studies. The WIND Toolkit includes meteorological conditions at multiple hub heights for more than 2,488,136 sites in the continental United States for the years 2007–2014.

Wind Toolkit Data V2 (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/wtk-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a national collection of wind stations. The Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit is an update and expansion of the Eastern and Western Wind Datasets, and is intended to support the next generation of integration studies. The WIND Toolkit includes meteorological conditions at multiple hub heights for more than 2,488,136 sites in the continental United States for the years 2007–2014.


Mexico (/api/wind-toolkit/v2/wind/mexico-wtk-download)

Collect and download, as CSV, a configurable set of data fields from a multi-national collection of wind stations.


For questions about the API or the data models please contact

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