PVWatts® Version 6 has been replaced by Version 8. We recommend using Version 8 because it has the most up-to-date models and weather data available. The decommissioning date for Version 6 is TBD.
The algorithms used to calculate energy output are the same as in Version 5. For a technical description of the model, see Dobos, A. P. PVWatts® Version 5 Manual. NREL/TP-6A20-62641, 2014.
GET /api/pvwatts/v6.format?parameters
Parameter | Required | Value | Description | ||||||||||||
format | Yes |
Type: string
Default: None
Options: json, xml
The output response format. |
api_key | Yes |
Type: string
Default: None
Your developer API key. See API keys for more information. |
system_capacity | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: 0.05 to 500000
Nameplate capacity (kW). |
module_type | Yes |
Type: integer
Default: None
Options: 0, 1, 2
Module type.
losses | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: -5 to 99
System losses (percent). | ||||||||||||
array_type | Yes |
Type: integer
Default: None
Options: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Array type.
tilt | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: 0 to 90
Tilt angle (degrees). | ||||||||||||
azimuth | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Min: 0
Max: < 360
Azimuth angle (degrees). | ||||||||||||
lat | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: -90 to 90
The latitude for the location to use. Required if file_id not specified. |
lon | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: -180 to 180
The longitude for the location to use. Required if file_id not specified. |
file_id | Depends |
Type: string
Default: none
Reference to a specific climate data file to use. Must be a valid id returned by the Solar Dataset Query V1 API. Required if lat/lon not specified.
dataset | No |
Type: string
Default: nsrdb
Options: nsrdb, tmy2, tmy3, intl
The climate dataset to use. Should not be passed in if using file_id to specify the climate data file.
radius | No |
Type: integer
Default: 100
The search radius to use when searching for the closest climate data station (miles). Pass in radius=0 to use the closest station regardless of the distance. |
timeframe | No |
Type: string
Default: monthly
Options: monthly, hourly
Granularity of the output response. | ||||||||||||
dc_ac_ratio | No |
Type: decimal
Default: 1.2
Range: must be positive
DC to AC ratio. |
gcr | No |
Type: decimal
Default: 0.4
Range: 0 - 3
Ground coverage ratio. |
inv_eff | No |
Type: decimal
Default: 96
Range: 90 - 99.5
Inverter efficiency at rated power. |
callback | No |
Type: string
Default: None
Return the data using JSONP and the given callback function (only applicable when using the json format). |
The response is composed of service-related informational fields and the results of the PVWatts simulation.
Field | Value | Description |
inputs | Type: collection | The input parameters received in the request. |
errors | Type: array of strings | Any error messages resulting from the request. |
warnings | Type: array of strings | Any warning messages resulting from the request. |
version | Type: string | The current version of the web service. |
ssc_info | Type: collection | Information about the SSC library. |
station_info | Type: collection | Information about the climate data used in the simulation. (see station info fields for more detail) |
outputs | Type: collection | The data outputs from the simulation. (see output fields for more detail) |
Field | Value | Description |
lat | Type: decimal | Latitude of the climate station. |
lon | Type: decimal | Longitude of the climate station. |
elev | Type: decimal | Elevation of the climate station. (meters) |
tz | Type: decimal | Timezone offset from GMT. |
location | Type: string | ID of the climate station. |
city | Type: string | City where climate station is located. |
state | Type: string | State where climate station is located. |
solar_resource_file | Type: string | Solar resource filename. |
distance | Type: integer | Distance between the input location and the climate station. (meters) |
Field | Value | Description |
poa_monthly | Type: array of decimal | Monthly plane of array irradiance values. (kWh/m2) The array of values represents the value for each month, with the first element being for January and the last element being for December. |
dc_monthly | Type: array of decimal | Monthly DC array output. (kWhdc) The array of values represents the value for each month, with the first element being for January and the last element being for December. |
ac_monthly | Type: array of decimal | Monthly AC system output. (kWhac) The array of values represents the value for each month, with the first element being for January and the last element being for December. |
ac_annual | Type: decimal | Annual AC system output. (kWhac) |
solrad_monthly | Type: array of decimal | Monthly solar radiation values. (kWh/m2/day) The array of values represents the value for each month, with the first element being for January and the last element being for December. |
solrad_annual | Type: decimal | Annual solar radiation values. (kWh/m2/day) |
capacity_factor | Type: decimal | The ratio of the system's predicted electrical output in the first year of operation to the nameplate output, which is equivalent to the quantity of energy the system would generate if it operated at its nameplate capacity for every hour of the year. (AC-to-DC) |
ac | Type: array of decimal | Hourly AC system output (only when timeframe=hourly). (Wac) |
poa | Type: array of decimal | Hourly plane of array irradiance (only when timeframe=hourly). (W/m2) |
dn | Type: array of decimal | Hourly beam normal irradiance (only when timeframe=hourly). (W/m2) |
dc | Type: array of decimal | Hourly DC array output (only when timeframe=hourly). (Wdc) |
df | Type: array of decimal | Hourly diffuse irradiance (only when timeframe=hourly). (W/m2) |
tamb | Type: array of decimal | Hourly ambient temperature (only when timeframe=hourly). (C) |
tcell | Type: array of decimal | Hourly module temperature (only when timeframe=hourly) (C) |
wspd | Type: array of decimal | Hourly windspeed (only when timeframe=hourly). (m/s) |
GET /api/pvwatts/v6.json?api_key=DEMO_KEY&lat=40&lon=-105&system_capacity=4&azimuth=180&tilt=40&array_type=1&module_type=1&losses=10
"inputs": {
"system_capacity": "4",
"lat": "40",
"lon": "-105",
"azimuth": "180",
"tilt": "40",
"array_type": "1",
"module_type": "1",
"losses": "10"
"errors": [],
"warnings": [],
"version": "1.4.0",
"ssc_info": {
"version": 45,
"build": "Linux 64 bit GNU/C++ Jul 7 2015 14:24:09"
"station_info": {
"lat": 40.0099983215332,
"lon": -105.0199966430664,
"elev": 1581.8399658203125,
"tz": -7,
"location": "None",
"city": "",
"state": "Colorado",
"solar_resource_file": "W10502N4001.csv",
"distance": 2029
"outputs": {
"ac_monthly": [
"poa_monthly": [
"solrad_monthly": [
"dc_monthly": [
"ac_annual": 6575.31884765625,
"solrad_annual": 5.618043899536133,
"capacity_factor": 18.765178680419922
GET /api/pvwatts/v6.xml?api_key=DEMO_KEY&lat=40&lon=-105&system_capacity=4&azimuth=180&tilt=40&array_type=1&module_type=1&losses=10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<errors type="array"/>
<warnings type="array"/>
<version type="integer">45</version>
<build>Linux 64 bit GNU/C++ Jul 7 2015 14:24:09</build>
<lat type="float">40.0099983215332</lat>
<lon type="float">-105.0199966430664</lon>
<elev type="float">1581.8399658203125</elev>
<tz type="float">-7.0</tz>
<distance type="integer">2029</distance>
<ac-monthly type="array">
<ac-monthly type="float">474.4326171875</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">484.3903503417969</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">595.7704467773438</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">592.0599365234375</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">591.2662353515625</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">589.3538208007812</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">583.2352905273438</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">586.4593505859375</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">584.8131713867188</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">561.72314453125</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">486.12603759765625</ac-monthly>
<ac-monthly type="float">445.68817138671875</ac-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="array">
<poa-monthly type="float">141.48094177246094</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">145.57119750976562</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">184.7876434326172</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">181.55137634277344</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">186.42808532714844</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">190.51329040527344</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">188.74996948242188</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">190.53981018066406</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">188.2213134765625</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">175.4444122314453</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">146.31704711914062</poa-monthly>
<poa-monthly type="float">131.15682983398438</poa-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="array">
<solrad-monthly type="float">4.563901424407959</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">5.198971271514893</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">5.9608917236328125</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">6.051712512969971</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">6.0138092041015625</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">6.350442886352539</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">6.088708877563477</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">6.146445274353027</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">6.274043560028076</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">5.659497261047363</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">4.877234935760498</solrad-monthly>
<solrad-monthly type="float">4.230865478515625</solrad-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="array">
<dc-monthly type="float">497.9421081542969</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">511.1524963378906</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">634.3223266601562</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">623.7313842773438</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">617.8812866210938</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">615.4278564453125</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">609.3965454101562</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">612.7506713867188</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">610.5584106445312</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">588.6157836914062</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">508.07476806640625</dc-monthly>
<dc-monthly type="float">465.4272155761719</dc-monthly>
<ac-annual type="float">6575.31884765625</ac-annual>
<solrad-annual type="float">5.618043899536133</solrad-annual>
<capacity-factor type="float">18.765178680419922</capacity-factor>
Standard rate limits apply. No more than 1,000 requests may be made in any hour.
Standard errors may be returned. In addition, the following service-specific errors may be returned:
HTTP Status Code | Description |
422 | Unprocessable Entity - One or more parameters did not pass validation, or a parameter may be missing. Check the errors section of the response to see how the request should be modified to address the error. |