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NSRDB Data Downloads

Freely available downloads of The National Solar Radiation Database.

The National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) is a serially complete collection of satellite-derived measurements of solar radiation—including global horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI)—and other meteorological data. This dataset has been collected to accurately represent long-term solar radiation information at various temporal and spatial scales. The data are publicly available at no cost to users. The API provides easy access for downloading. Other options and details are available here

Data Download Guide

Helpful tips to maximize the benefits of using the API

GOES Aggregated: PSM v4 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-GOES-aggregated-v4-0-0-download)

The GOES Aggregated solar resource data uses the PSM v4.0.0. This dataset provides solar resource data for the period 1998 onwards covered by GOES east and west. The data have a spatial resolution of 4 km and temporal intervals of 30 minutes.

GOES Conus: PSM v4 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-GOES-conus-v4-0-0-download)

The NSRDB GOES Conus solar resource data uses the PSM v4.0.0. This dataset provides solar resource data for the period 2019 onwards over the CONUS regions covered by the GOES satellites. The data have a spatial resolution of 2 km and temporal intervals of 5 minutes.

GOES Full Disc: PSM v4 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-GOES-full-disc-v4-0-0-download)

This dataset provides solar resource data for the period 2019-2023 over the all the regions covered by GOES. The data have a spatial resolution of 2 km and temporal intervals of 10 minutes.

GOES TMY: PSM v4 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-GOES-tmy-v4-0-0-download)

The GOES TMY, TGY, and TDY is developed based on the time series data of GOES 1998 onwards. The resolution of the data is 4 km hourly.

Himawari 2011-15: PSM v3 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/himawari7-download)

The Himawari-based solar resource data uses the Physical Solar Model version 3 (PSM v3) which is similar to the model used in the CONUS NSRDB. This dataset provides solar resource data for the period 2011-2015 over all regions covered by the Himawari-7 satellite with a spatial resolution of 4 km and temporal intervals of 30 minutes. An API is available for downloading the data with more details provided here. Read more about the datasets at

Himawari 2016-2020: PSM v3 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/himawari-download)

This dataset provides solar resource data for the period 2016-2020 over all regions covered by the Himawari-8 satellite with a spatial resolution of 2 km and temporal intervals of 10 minutes.

Himawari TMY: PSM v3 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/himawari-tmy-download)

The Himawari TMY is developed based on the time series data of Himawari 2011-2020. The resolution of the data is 4 km hourly.

METEOSAT IODC Region: PSM v3 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/msg-iodc-download)

The Indian Ocean Data Coverage (IODC) region of the Meteosat satellite covers India and it’s surrounding regions. This dataset was developed using the PSM v3. The data are provided at a spatial resolution of 4km with 15 minute intervals. This data was produced as part of the U.S.-India Energy Cooperation with support from the US Department of Energy Office of International Affairs.

Meteosat Prime Meridian TDY: PSM v4 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-msg-v1-0-0-tdy-download)

The Meteosat Prime Meridian TDY is developed based on the time series data of Meteosat Prime Meridian. The resolution of the data is 4 km hourly.

Meteosat Prime Meridian TGY: PSM v4 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-msg-v1-0-0-tgy-download)

The Meteosat Prime Meridian TGY is developed based on the time series data of Meteosat Prime Meridian. The resolution of the data is 4 km hourly.

Meteosat Prime Meridian TMY: PSM v4 Download  (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-msg-v1-0-0-tmy-download)

The Meteosat Prime Meridian TMY is developed based on the time series data of Meteosat Prime Meridian. The resolution of the data is 4 km hourly.

Meteosat Prime Meridian: PSM v4 Download (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/nsrdb-msg-v1-0-0-download)

This dataset provides solar resource data for the period 2017-2019 over all regions covered by the Meteosat-1 (Meteosat Prime Meridian) satellite with a spatial resolution of 4 km and temporal intervals of 15 minutes.

NSRDB Data Query (/api/solar/nsrdb_data_query)

Returns information on the nearest NSRDB datasets for a location, including links for accessing the data. For information about the NSRDB and the datasets available through this service, please visit

SUNY International Data (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/suny-india-download)

The SUNY International Data is developed using Perez model from 2000-2014. The resolution of the data is 10 km hourly.

SUNY International TMY Data (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/suny-india-tmy-download)

The SUNY International TMY Data is developed using Perez model from 2000-2014. The resolution of the data is 10 km hourly.

Site Count (/api/nsrdb/v2/site-count)

Determine the number of sites containing data for a given point, polygon, or multipoint as specified by a WKT. This is useful for calculating download request size. Details at the download guide.

Spectral Data On-demand (/api/nsrdb_api/solar/spectral_ondemand_download)

The spectral on-demand data service provides solar irradiances on inclined PV panels for 2002 narrow-wavelength bands from 0.28 to 4.0 µm. Based on users’ selection of location, time period, and PV system (fixed or one-axis PV system), a dedicated high-performance server located at NREL computes the spectral data in real time using the Fast All-sky Radiation Model for Solar applications with Narrowband Irradiances on Tilted surfaces (FARMS-NIT) and broadband and ancillary data served by the NSRDB. FARMS-NIT is an innovative radiative transfer model developed at NREL to efficiently and simultaneously calculate the spatial distribution of solar energy (radiances) in narrow-wavelength bands which are integrated over inclined PV panels to infer the plane-of-array (POA) irradiances.


Philippines Solar (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/philippines-download)

This data has been replaced by Himawari 2016-2020. Please use Himawari 2016-2020.

Physical Solar Model (PSM) v3.2.2 (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/psm3-2-2-download)

This data has been replaced by GOES Aggregated v4.0.0. Please use GOES Aggregated v4.0.0.

Physical Solar Model (PSM) v3.2.2 TMY (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/psm3-2-2-tmy-download)

This data has been replaced by GOES TMY v4.0.0. Please use GOES TMY v4.0.0.

Vietnam Solar (/api/nsrdb/v2/solar/vietnam-download)

This data has been replaced by Himawari 2016-2020. Please use Himawari 2016-2020


For questions about the API or the data models please contact

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