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Utility Rates (GET /api/utility_rates/v3)

This service returns annual average utility rates ($/kWH) for residential, commercial and industrial sectors as well as the local utility name for a specific location. This service does not return complex rate information.

The data source is Ventyx Research Inc. and the Energy Information Agency (EIA), and was updated with 2012 numbers.

Version 3 is the current version of the utility rates API. Previous versions have been deprecated and its users are encouraged to migrate to this newly enhanced version.

Request URL

GET /api/utility_rates/v3.format?parameters

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Value Description
format Yes
Type: string
Default: None
Options: json, xml

The output response format.

api_key Yes
Type: string
Default: None

Your developer API key. See API keys for more information.

lat Yes
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: -90 to 90
The latitude for the location to use.
lon Yes
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: -180 to 180
The longitude for the location to use.
radius No
Type: decimal
Default: 0
Range: 0.0 to 200.0

The radius (in miles) around the search location to search for utility rates with intersecting boundaries.

With the default radius of 0, only utility rates whose boundaries contain the search location point will be returned.

limit No
Type: integer
Default: None
The maximum number of results to return. If no limit is specified then all matching results will be returned.

Response Fields

The response is composed of service-related informational fields and the results of the data query.

Field Value Description
inputs Type: collection The input parameters received in the request.
version Type: string The current version of the web service.
errors Type: array of strings Any error messages resulting from the request.
warnings Type: array of strings Any warning messages resulting from the request.
metadata Type: collection Any metadata associated with the request (sources, etc)
outputs Type: collection The data outputs from the request. (see output fields for more detail)

Output Fields

Field Value Description
utility_name Type: string The name of the utility company. If there are multiple utility companies serving the location, the names will be returned as a pipe-delimited string.
company_id Type: integer The ID of the utility company. If there are multiple utility companies serving the location, the IDs will be returned as a pipe-delimited string.
utility_info Type: collection An array of hashes containing the name(s) and ID(s) of the utility company or companies serving the location.
residential Type: decimal The residential electricity rate ($/kWh).
commercial Type: decimal The commercial electricity rate ($/kWh).
industrial Type: decimal The industrial electricity rate ($/kWh).


JSON Output Format

GET /api/utility_rates/v3.json?api_key=DEMO_KEY&lat=35.45&lon=-82.98
  "inputs" : {
    "lat" : "35.45",
    "lon" : "-82.98"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "warnings" : [ ],
  "version" : "3.1.0",
  "metadata" : {
    "sources" : [ "Ventyx Research (2012)" ]
  "outputs" : {
    "company_id" : "8333|18642",
    "utility_name" : "Haywood Electric Member Corp|Tennessee Valley Authority",
    "utility_info" : [ {
      "company_id" : "8333",
      "utility_name" : "Haywood Electric Member Corp"
    }, {
      "company_id" : "18642",
      "utility_name" : "Tennessee Valley Authority"
    } ],
    "commercial" : 0.0977,
    "industrial" : 0.0862,
    "residential" : 0.123

XML Output Format

GET /api/utility_rates/v3.xml?api_key=DEMO_KEY&lat=35.45&lon=-82.98
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <errors type="array"/>
  <warnings type="array"/>
    <sources type="array">
      <source>Ventyx Research (2012)</source>
    <utility-name>Haywood Electric Member Corp|Tennessee Valley Authority</utility-name>
    <utility-info type="array">
        <utility-name>Haywood Electric Member Corp</utility-name>
        <utility-name>Tennessee Valley Authority</utility-name>
    <commercial type="float">0.0977</commercial>
    <industrial type="float">0.0862</industrial>
    <residential type="float">0.123</residential>

Rate Limits

Standard rate limits apply. No more than 1,000 requests may be made in any hour


Standard errors may be returned. In addition, the following service-specific errors may be returned:

HTTP Status Code Description
422 Unprocessable Entity - One or more parameters did not pass validation, or a parameter may be missing. Check the errors section of the response to see how the request should be modified to address the error.
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