Given a location and Census Bureau region level (block, blockgroup, tract), return the Census Bureau ID, utility rate and company information.
GET /api/census_rate/v3.format?parameters
Parameter | Required | Value | Description |
format | Yes |
Type: string
Default: None
Options: json, xml
The output response format. |
api_key | Yes |
Type: string
Default: None
Your developer API key. See API keys for more information. |
id | Yes |
Type: integer
Default: None
Identifiying number provided by requester. |
lat | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: -90 to 90
The latitude for the location to use. |
lon | Yes |
Type: decimal
Default: None
Range: -180 to 180
The longitude for the location to use. |
region | No |
Type: string
Default: block
Options: block, blockgroup, tract
The Census Bureau region level to return. |
The response is composed of service-related informational fields and the results of the data query.
Field | Value | Description |
inputs | Type: collection | The input parameters received in the request. |
version | Type: string | The current version of the web service. |
errors | Type: array of strings | Any error messages resulting from the request. |
warnings | Type: array of strings | Any warning messages resulting from the request. |
metadata | Type: collection | Any metadata associated with the request (sources, etc) |
outputs | Type: collection | The data outputs from the request. (see output fields for more detail) |
Field | Value | Description |
utility_name | Type: string | The name of the utility company. If there are multiple utility companies serving the location, the names will be returned as a pipe-delimited string. |
company_id | Type: integer | The ID of the utility company. If there are multiple utility companies serving the location, the IDs will be returned as a pipe-delimited string. |
utility_info | Type: collection | An array of hashes containing the name(s) and ID(s) of the utility company or companies serving the location. |
census_region | Type: string | The Census Bureau ID. |
residential | Type: decimal | The residential electricity rate. |
commercial | Type: decimal | The commercial electricity rate. |
industrial | Type: decimal | The industrial electricity rate. |
GET /api/census_rate/v3.json?api_key=DEMO_KEY®ion=tract&id=101&lat=37&lon=-92
"inputs" : {
"region" : "tract",
"id" : "101",
"lat" : "35.45",
"lon" : "-82.98"
"errors" : [ ],
"warnings" : [ ],
"outputs" : {
"id" : 101,
"uid" : "179f89b3-5fc2-4fc9-9993-926d71486b70",
"census_region" : "921200",
"company_id" : "8333|18642",
"utility_name" : "Haywood Electric Member Corp|Tennessee Valley Authority",
"utility_info" : [ {
"company_id" : "8333",
"utility_name" : "Haywood Electric Member Corp"
}, {
"company_id" : "18642",
"utility_name" : "Tennessee Valley Authority"
} ],
"commercial" : 9.77,
"industrial" : 8.62,
"residential" : 12.3
"version" : "3.1.0",
"metadata" : {
"sources" : [ "Ventyx Research (2012)" ]
GET /api/census_rate/v3.xml?api_key=DEMO_KEY®ion=tract&id=101&lat=37&lon=-92
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<errors type="array"/>
<warnings type="array"/>
<id type="integer">101</id>
<utility-name>Haywood Electric Member Corp|Tennessee Valley Authority</utility-name>
<utility-info type="array">
<utility-name>Haywood Electric Member Corp</utility-name>
<utility-name>Tennessee Valley Authority</utility-name>
<commercial type="float">9.77</commercial>
<industrial type="float">8.62</industrial>
<residential type="float">12.3</residential>
<sources type="array">
<source>Ventyx Research (2012)</source>
Standard rate limits apply. No more than 1,000 requests may be made in any hour
Standard errors may be returned. In addition, the following service-specific errors may be returned:
HTTP Status Code | Description |
422 | Unprocessable Entity - One or more parameters did not pass validation, or a parameter may be missing. Check the errors section of the response to see how the request should be modified to address the error. |