Developer Network NREL NREL Developer Network

Standard Work Specifications (GET /api/standard-work-specs/spec/v1)

Retrieve standard work specification details for home energy upgrades.

Request URL

GET /api/standard-work-specs/spec/v1.format?parameters

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Value Description
format Yes
Type: string
Default: None
Options: json, xml

The output response format. Given in the URL as the file extension.

api_key Yes
Type: string
Default: None

Your developer API key. See API keys for more information.

nid No
Type: integer
Default: None

The unique identifier of a standard work specification entry.

spec No
Type: string
Default: None

The specification ID for a given specification.

Ex. "Floor Framing—Bay Window" is 3.1302.1 so the parameter is "spec=1.1302.1"

ht No
Type: integer
Default: None

The unique identifier of a housing type to filter on.

Single Family Homes: 1, Multi-Family Homes: 2, Manufactured Housing: 3

section No
Type: integer
Default: None

A section identifier. These can be found next to each section in the website navigation and detail pages.

Ex. "Air Sealing" is section 3 so the parameter is "section=3"

topic No
Type: integer
Default: None

A topic identifier. These can be found next to each topic in the website navigation and detail pages.

Ex. "Attached Garages" is topic 15 so the parameter is "topic=15"

subtopic No
Type: integer
Default: None

A subtopic identifier. These are the last 2 digits of the Subtopic headers. (Must be entered as a 2 digit number)

Ex. "Floor Framing" is subtopic 02 under the "Floors" topic under the "Air Sealing" section so the parameter is "subtopic=02"

Response Fields

Field Value Description
Type: string

The SWS classification id for the specification.

Ex. 3.1302.1

Type: string

The title of the specification.

Ex. Floor Framing—Bay Window

Type: string

The section the specification belongs to.

Ex. Air Sealing

Type: string

The topic the specification belongs to.

Ex. Floors

Type: string

The subtopic the specification belongs to.

Ex. Floor Framing

Type: string
The desired outcome field. May contain HTML.
Type: array
An array of housing type strings that apply to this specification.
Type: array

An array of details that belong to this specification. Each detail contains the following fields:

  • classification:string
  • title:string
  • specification:string
  • objective:string
  • housing_type:string


JSON Output Format

GET /api/standard-work-specs/spec/v1.json?api_key=DEMO_KEY
    "classification": "3.1602.9",
    "title": "Crossover Ducts",
    "section": "Air Sealing",
    "topic": "Ducts",
    "subtopic": "Duct Sealing",
    "desired_outcome": "Deliver all air from trunk to trunk without leakage or restriction",
    "housing_types": [
      "Manufactured Housing"
    "details": [
        "objective": "<p>Verify scope of work</p>",
        "title": "Work assessment",
        "classification": "3.1602.9a",
        "specification": "<p>Installer prework assessment will be conducted to determine:</p><ul><li> Location</li><li> Types</li><li> Leakage points</li></ul>",
        "housing_type": [
          "Manufactured Housing"

XML Output Format

GET /api/standard-work-specs/spec/v1.xml?api_key=DEMO_KEY
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result is_array="true">
    <classification type="string"/>
    <title type="string"/>
    <section type="string"/>
    <topic type="string"/>
    <subtopic type="string"/>
    <desired_outcome type="string"/>
    <housing_types is_array="true">
      <item type="string"/>
    <details is_array="true">
        <objective type="string"/>
        <title type="string"/>
        <classification type="string"/>
        <specification type="string"/>
        <housing_type is_array="true">
          <item type="string"/>

Rate Limits

Standard rate limits apply. No more than 1,000 requests may be made in any hour


Standard errors may be returned.

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